What are DIUREX WATER PILLS used for?
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods.
What are the active ingredients in DIUREX WATER PILLS?
Each DIUREX WATER PILL contains 162.5 mg of magnesium salicylate and 50 mg of caffeine.
What is the dosage for DIUREX WATER PILLS?
The dosage for DIUREX WATER PILLS is two pills every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed eight pills per day. Be sure to read all label Directions, Uses and Warnings and follow them carefully.
Do DIUREX WATER PILLS contain any sulfa drugs?
No, DIUREX WATER PILLS do not contain sulfa drug ingredients.
Are there any side effects associated with DIUREX WATER PILLS?
Information regarding the side effects which may be associated with DIUREX WATER PILLS may be found in the Warnings and Directions sections of Drug Facts for DIUREX WATER PILLS. Drug Facts may be found on the back panel of the DIUREX WATER PILLS package or on this website.
Do DIUREX WATER PILLS help you lose weight?
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods. We recommend that you ask your doctor or pharmacist before using DIUREX for a purpose other than that indicated on the product package labeling and follow his or her advice.
Do DIUREX WATER PILLS "clean out your system"?
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods. We recommend that you ask your doctor or pharmacist before using DIUREX for a purpose other than that indicated on the product package labeling and follow his or her advice.
Can I use DIUREX WATER PILLS continuously?
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods. The product package labeling states that you should not use DIUREX for more than 10 consecutive days without consulting your doctor.
Can I use DIUREX WATER PILLS to remove the swelling in my feet and ankles?
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods. We recommend that you ask your doctor or pharmacist before using DIUREX for a purpose other than that indicated on or in the product package labeling and follow his or her advice.
Can I use DIUREX WATER PILLS with my prescription medications(s)?
You should ask your doctor or pharmacist if you can take DIUREX WATER PILLS while you are using other medications.
I don't have a period any more. Can I still use DIUREX WATER PILLS?
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods. We recommend that you ask your doctor or pharmacist before using DIUREX for a purpose other than that indicated on the product package labeling and follow his or her advice.
DIUREX WATER PILLS help relieve temporary water weight gain, bloating and other discomforts associated with the premenstrual and menstrual periods. We recommend that you ask your doctor or pharmacist before using DIUREX for a purpose other than that indicated on the product package labeling and follow his or her advice.
Will DIUREX WATER PILLS show up on a drug test?
We have not had reports of the active ingredients in DIUREX WATER PILLS showing up on a drug test. However, as indicated in or on the product package labeling, DIUREX WATER PILLS may turn your urine blue or blue-green, which may be an issue in a urine test.
Do DIUREX WATER PILLS make your urine blue?
As stated on or in the product package labeling, blue or blue-green tinted urine when using DIUREX WATER PILLS is a normal and temporary effect.